Exciting news has surfaced recently involving new inclusive access to Covid-19 vaccines for students. The recent announcement that all high school teachers would be eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccine was closely followed by news that high school students would also be able to receive theirs. This has generated lots of excitement, and will pave the way to a potential return to normalcy.
Here at CHS, many students have seized the opportunity to get their shot, acknowledging the benefits it can provide.
“I’ll be going to the naval academy this summer, so I’m relieved that I won’t have to worry about catching or spreading anything,” senior Jackson Fleming said, in regards to becoming vaccinated.
It would appear Fleming isn’t alone, as over 30% of Hoosiers have received at least their first dose, while about 20% of the state is considered “fully vaccinated.” People are eager as ever to get some assurance in today’s pandemic changed world.
Recently, the CDC has released new guidelines that reexamine, reevaluate and redefine safe and appropriate behavior now that the vaccine has changed the landscape. Some of these changes include: being able to sit maskless with other vaccinated people of any age, exclusion from quarantine following domestic or international travel, and confidence around unvaccinated people in businesses or at private events.
Finally, as expected, many teachers have sprung at the opportunity to receive a vaccine, including CHS’s own, Mr. Luke Starkey, who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine last month.
“I’m really looking forward to being able to be with my family again maskless without any worries,” Starkey continued.
It is estimated that teachers make up as much as 20% of the vaccinated population, so it is safe to say that Starkey is not alone. The risk that teachers have faced this year is terrifying, and it is a relief to see them finally get some protection.
With clinics open all over the region, it is foolish to not book an appointment to get your dose soon, especially if you or a family member is at high risk. To schedule an appointment, go to Coronavirus.in.gov, or call 211 (866-211-9966). Everyone is responsible for the safety of their fellow man, make the right decision and protect yourself and others.