Roe v. Wade Laws
May 28, 2021
Roe v. Wade has played an essential role in abortion laws, especially in Mississippi. In Mississippi, there has been a 15-weeks after pregnancy ban on abortion. On top of that, Mississippi is beginning to pass anti-abortion laws that challenge Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade was a landmark case in 1973 in which the Supreme Court labeled banning abortion as “unconstitutional”. Now that abortion has gotten more controversial, people have been protesting and labeling themselves as either “pro-life” or “pro-choice” for many years.
Pro-lifers believe that no one should get an abortion, no matter what circumstances there are. Pro-choicers believe that women should be able to get an abortion whenever they want, as it is their body and their choice. Many pro-lifers have taken to standing outside abortion clinics with signs and protesting, even throwing things and screaming unpleasantries at people and cars driving in and out of the parking lots.
Many states are following, waiting for Roe v. Wade to be overturned. The nine states that would ban abortion if the case was overturned are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. As for our home state of Indiana’s stance on abortion: it is fully legal. In 1950, the state legislature tried to pass a criminalizing law directed towards women seeking an abortion. The law was shot down and not tried again. In 2018, the state of Indiana tried to make abortions illegal, again, to no avail.