As human beings, it is easy to sometimes see the aspects of life we struggle with externally, however, it is our internal struggles that cannot be seen from the average eye, or sometimes any eye. Being able to understand that every person encounters situations behind closed doors can allow society to collectively become more open to the idea of reaching out. Acknowledging the harsh reality of how mental health is seen and treated in today’s world presents circumstances such as prolonged hopefulness, isolation, and apathy, which can ultimately lead to outcomes such as suicide.
Here are some statistics that correlate the ways in which suicide affects society and life more than you may know:
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S
In 2019, 47,511 Americans died by suicide
In 2019, there were an estimated 1.38 million suicide attempts
The first step in stopping these rising numbers is hearing people. As a society, we need to collectively acknowledge the ways in which we cannot even start to imagine what a single person is going through unless we take the time to truly understand. Through empathy, we need to take the initiative to learn to check up on the people in our community. Checking up on others is not only important, but reaching out if you are personally an individual that is struggling is so important as well. No matter the situation, there is always at least one person who will listen and hear you. You are not alone.
While taking these steps is vital and should be practiced in everyday life, there are also opportunities to help on a different kind of scale.
Every year in the fall, the Duneland Community participates in an ‘Out of the Darkness’ community walk. The walk is hosted by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention; this foundation takes steps every day to contribute to the prevention of suicide. While the walk is a great way to raise awareness, this foundation also enables individuals to raise money through their website. This money is used for anything from funding suicide prevention programs in schools to even providing support to families that have lost someone to suicide. Every donation counts, and every year they have continued to make a large difference within the community and the world.
If you are interested in participating in the walk or donating, the link is provided at the end of this article. It gives access to donate, register, or share. Through this link, I am personally raising money for this cause, and all money donated through that page will be going to The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention directly. However, while donating money and taking time for this cause is not something everyone can always do due to financial and schedule conflict, remember to check up on your loved ones and never forget you are not alone. You are heard, recognized, and loved always.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255
Out of the Darkness Walk
Location: Coffee Creek Chesterton
Date: 9/12/21
Registration: 12 PM
Event Time: 1-4 PM