CHS Robotics Team is Seeking Members

Carl Harding

   This year, CHS is offering a Robotics Team for the first time ever.  As a result, they are really low on members, and need your help to change that!  Joining the Robotics  will allow you to obtain the skills to build robots while learning how the robotics industry works.  CHS Physics and ICP teacher Dr. Jay Drew is the coach of the Robotics team, and he will ensure that anyone who joins will have fun as well as gain experience in building robots.  Furthermore, students will learn how to work as a team.  The Robotics team participates in competitions outside of school and you are not required to be in a special class to join the team. The program is currently using meeting times to prepare for the first few competitions.  The competitions will take place sometime in November and December, and will be held at schools around the area. Later in the season, about the month of March, the team will participate in state and world competitions. Students who participate on the team are expected to commit one hour of after school time two times a week, because the team meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

     “Robotics team allows the students who participate to get better scholarships and it allows them to gain experience in the robotics industry,” said Dr. Jay Drew. 

     There is no fee at all so if you are interested in joining the program. Any questions can be addressed to Dr. Drew in room C561, or at  If you are interested in robots, or wanting to build some of your own, give the robotics club a chance at one the next Tuesday or Thursday meeting.