Last month, a destructive TikTok trend spread throughout the country. That trend, known as ‘Devious Licks’ involved students taking items off of school property. The damage varied from school to school, ranging from bags of soap to broken mirrors and lights, to even drinking fountains being removed from walls. So, schools across America began cracking down on students who participated, and, in Florida, some students were arrested.
At Chesterton High School in particular, an Instagram account was made to showcase the different items taken, and as of October 6th, this account holds a follower count of 810. Some items displayed were a paper towel dispenser, various club posters, and even an unhinged stall door. The trend spread to the middle and intermediate schools with even some reports of elementary students trying to take part in it.
Assistant Principals Dan Caudle and Kristen Peterson had a few words to say about this trend, which has died down in recent weeks, but has long-term effects for all who were punished. Although they cannot disclose specific punishments, the assistant principals did share some thoughts on the trend altogether.
“There is school discipline as well as legal in regard to the damage,” said Peterson, while Caudle added, “When we have evidence we have a talk with students. Everyone has really come clean. But we’ve been really equitable with it so everyone is getting the same thing.”
When Peterson first learned of the trend, she said she was disappointed. “I was really sad that we had kids purposely doing things like that. I just didn’t understand. Especially during covid, stealing soap,” she remarked.
Both Caudle and Peterson were upset by the trend, and having to deal with such a silly movement. In regards to the physical damage caused, Peterson said, “I think it’s just disappointing that some of our kids are stopping to the point of destroying our school. We have great students and great kids so to purposely destroy things feels not like what we would consider our culture” Caudle echoed this statement, also saying that, “I feel bad that so much of our time is taken looking at security cameras and interviewing kids when our time could be spent helping someone work through a real issue”
The exact estimate of financial damage is unknown, but Caudle thinks it is pretty substantial, saying, “I know that the soap dispenser is 30 dollars for each one, and they’re destroying them. Then the toilet paper, the doors, I don’t know, but it’s substantial when it’s added up. Our custodians work hard to keep the bathrooms as clean as they can, seeing them frustrated frustrates me. It’s very hard to clean up soap, so really, ultimately, we feel very bad for the custodians having to pick up the pieces.”
In one last word for students who might want to continue the trend, Caudle advises that, “It’s not worth it. They are putting their character and their name for the risk of getting a few likes on Instagram.”
This trend is damaging schools everywhere, and hopefully, it disappears altogether very soon. If you or someone you know is thinking about participating, don’t. Social media attention is not worth the consequences you will face.