After winning three straight state championships, Chesterton’s Gymnastics team finished 3rd place in Indiana last season. This year, the team is ready to retake their place at the top. CHS Gymnastics is known for their intense work ethic, their passion for the sport, and their long time historical success. The returning seniors on this team know the feeling of that state championship accomplishment, since they experienced it during their freshman and sophomore years. Many of those seniors expressed gratitude for the years prior, and also recognize how much those before them have taught.
“Gymnastics has taught me the importance of hard work and dedication,” senior Madelin Chesovich said, “this season I am looking forward to spending time with my team and creating even closer bonds since our numbers are small.”
While the Trojans are looking to improve this season, the girls are keeping their expectations in check, realizing they have lost quite a few significant contributors the last few seasons.
“I am looking forward to our postseason with all the girls and having a fun season. The team isn’t as strong this year as it has been the past few years, but I think if we work hard and really try our best we could make it to state as a team” senior Caitlyn Cook stated.
The Sandscript is looking forward to watching the Gymnastics team succeed this year not only in state but all local and sectional events. We are very proud of past accomplishments and ready for new records to be broken and set.