Chesterton Speech Dominates at Home Tournament!
In the first varsity tournament of the year, Chesterton Speech presents a strong showing.
November 16, 2021
After over a year-long hiatus from in-person competition, the Chesterton speech team had a very strong showing at their home tournament this Saturday, the 13th. There were over 200 total entries vying for the top spots in each of the 14 events. On Saturday, Chesterton’s entries were dominant across the board, signaling an excellent start to the new season.
In the novice (first-year) division the following students advanced to the top 6 in their events:
3rd- Damion Lopez
2nd- Abby Gniadecki
Dramatic Interpretation:
5th- Spencer Poole
Humorous Interpretation:
1st- Elsa Leady
Improv Duo:
2nd- Spencer Poole and Damion Lopez
Original Oratory:
2nd- Lilly Demmon
1st- Carmen Thomas
4th- Madison Morton
1st- Addison Botts
2nd- Elsa Leady
In the varsity division, the following Chesterton competitors made it into final round for their events:
6th- Robert Mueller
4th- Sara Vasquez
2nd- Gigi Hanner
1st- Jackson Dudek
Extemporaneous Speaking:
4th- Gigi Hanner
Humorous Interpretation:
2nd- Hannah Anders
6th- Julia Dietrich
Improv Duo:
5th- Katie Asbury and Madison Morton
3rd- Michael Livovich and Elsa Leady
2nd- Joshua Hoover and Jackson Dudek
Original Performance:
4th- Katie Asbury
1st- Joshua Hoover and Jackson Dudek
Original Oratory:
2nd- Gigi Hanner
1st- Natalie Nuñez
5th- Natalie Nuñez
4th- Lilly Ewen
Additionally, Chesterton introduced a new award at this tournament, where the top 3 speakers in both novice and varsity were honored for earning more points across all events than anyone else.
In novice individual sweepstakes:
3rd- Damion Lopez
2nd- Elsa Leady
In varsity individual sweepstakes:
3rd- Gigi Hanner
Overall, the first varsity tournament of the season, (and the first time the team has competed in-person since March 7th, 2020), proved to be an incredibly successful one for Chesterton. The Sandscript wishes the whole team great luck for the rest of their season!