Track and Field Callout Meeting
Sore Today, Strong Tomorrow!

November 17, 2021
Track and Field season will be here before you know it. Both the boys and girls teams will be hosting a callout meeting tomorrow, Thursday, November 18th. The girl’s meeting will be held in the large group instruction room and the boy’s callout meeting will be held in the cafeteria. Both meetings begin at 3:30 after school. Head coaches Lindsey Moskalick and Bryan Nallenweg will be the primary hosts explaining any forms and permissions you need to have signed and filled out, what each athlete will be expected to contribute to the team, the rigorous training that will be involved, as well as important dates and fundraisers that a track and field member must prepare for. In addition, the requirements needed to letter in the sport will be explained. They will also introduce the sprint, hurdle, shot put, discus, long jump, and high jump coaches. The coaches will provide a brief description of each event for those unaware of what might interest them. They will also break down what conditioning and practice will generally look like for their specific events. Lastly, the coaches will cover the equipment an athlete must have to improve their performance like the appropriate shoes, foam rollers, and the proper running attire. Those that are interested in becoming a member of the track team are encouraged to attend.
For any additional questions, email the girl’s head coach at or the boys head coach at