Erin Returns to Help CHS Students
If you are struggling with semester grades, take a peak!
December 7, 2021
Question: How can I improve my grades with such a short notice? I am very stressed because the semester is ending! HEEEELLLP!!
– A very Stressed Student
Dear stressed student,
The first semester of the school year is coming to a halt, and many may be experiencing times of stress and frustration with their semester grades, assignments, and finals. While students see December as a time of holidays, Christmas, and fun with family and friends at home, it can also be seen as one of the most stressful times of the year. Graduating with the diploma you desire, maintaining a decent GPA, and more stressors that students endure are peaking, and it is time to talk about how the average student can better not only their grades in a last minute fashion, but also better their well-being.
First comes grades. Many procrastinate turning in assignments or making up tests as a way of pushing it off and allowing themselves to be stress-free in the moment. However, this only leads to further anguish as it all piles up at the end of the semester. Making sure to turn in assignments on time, if plausible, and keeping up to date with the class load is vital in maintaining grades that meet your standards. However, sometimes it is common for students to fall behind or have upbringings that prohibit them from being able to stay on track. Due to this, I recommend that if you have many missing assignments, you email or ask to meet with your teacher(s) to talk about a game plan. Some teachers may not accept late work; however, it never hurts to ask for other opportunities or assignments they would be willing to take for partial credit. Just remember to always respect your teachers and come to them with an open mind.
Secondly, remember to not be so hard on yourself! While it is important to maintain a good standing with grades, teachers, and school as a whole, it also does not help to beat yourself up about your mistakes and difficulties. It is important to note that every student has different circumstances and situations that can alter the way they work in the school setting. The key is to push yourself and always give your personal 100%. Sometimes, your 100% is less than other days, but knowing that you are working to better not only your grades, but also yourself is a great feeling!
To any CHS student who is currently struggling with the semester ending, remember to keep pushing and to also give yourself some grace. Motivation can only come when you want it and strive for it, so keep yourself healthy so that you can push to be your personal best.
Sincerely, Erin