Four CHS students have been chosen to participate in the 2022 Indiana Bandmasters Association All-State Honor Band. The selected students are junior Skylar Peffers, junior Ellen Rath, freshman Dominick Travis, and junior Bridget Wisdom. These students will be performing at Purdue University on Sunday, March 13.
Students were selected through virtual auditions. All students in grades 9-12 were eligible to try out. Over 300 students auditioned and about 80 band members were selected. The auditionees had to perform a technical etude, lyrical etude, and a sight-reading passage. The auditions were then sent down to Indianapolis where the judges blindly listened to them. This meant the judges only listened to the audition and were unable to see who was auditioning.
Skylar Peffers was selected for her second year in a row. She was thrilled to be selected last year but due to Covid was unable to travel in person and feels as if she missed out on the full experience.
“As a second-year member, being selected was super awesome. When I found out I was thrilled. After last year, when things went virtual, it was really difficult. Not getting the experience that comes with being in person was super hard, especially when you spend so much time on something just to not get to experience the full event” explained Peffers.
Peffers is extremely grateful and excited to perform in person this year.
“I’m also really happy that I get to do it with some of my best friends Bridget, Ellen, and Dominick. Overall, being selected for this band is a dream come true, and I couldn’t be more excited!” expressed Peffers.
This is a phenomenal achievement for Peffers, Rath, Travis, and Wisdom. They will be given the opportunity to travel to Purdue for 3 days and meet new friends, while also experiencing super high-level training with some of the top musicians in the state!