April is here and with it the Easter holiday, bringing people together to paint and hide eggs as well as discuss their favorite furry friend, the Easter Bunny. Since many possess limited knowledge about the holiday, such as the history behind it and where it came from, this information will help you to impress all of your friends and family during Easter Brunch.
Easter began around the second century and was based around the religion of Christianity, as the holiday commemorates the resurrection of Jesus. This can help to explain some of the traditions that are used today, such as the dyeing of eggs. Eggs were originally dyed red to symbolize the blood of Christ. This began in Mesopotamia and is still in practice today among modern day Christians. Some may ask, however, how society went from red-dyed eggs to the colorful eggs that are used today? Well, it probably originates from the Faberge eggs that were gifted to the Russian Imperial Family from 1885 to 1916, where the eggs were beautifully decorated with jewels and colors.
In regards to a different holiday tradition, the Easter Bunny was a much different idea than the eggs, in both origin and concept. While the eggs were deeply tied to religion, the Easter bunny has a different backstory. Originating in Germany, an egg-laying bunny named Osterhase was reflected in old stories and tales. Many say that the idea of the bunny arrived in America during the 1700s, through German immigrants.
The Easter holidays and its origins have stemmed from all over the world, slowly changing as it was passed around from place to place. Eventually, the holiday evolved into what it is today: a holiday people love, with colorful eggs and a Bunny to deliver and hide them.