Check Out the New and Exciting Additions to the Media Center!
Media Center has more than just Books!
April 7, 2022
The Media Center already has so much to offer for students and staff that are beneficial and a great deal of help to the people of CHS. Adding on to the fact that the library already hosts events such as the readers retreat, reading challenges with prizes and escape rooms, the media center is now making the makerspace available for students.
The makerspace is a new addition to the library for students to truly embrace their creativity. Essentially what the makerspace is, is an area in the media center where the library keeps supplies for students to make projects for school or just for fun. The supplies range from everything like tape, string, yarn, pens, markers, scrapbook and construction paper, as well as circuitry supplies like LED lights, batteries, wire cutters and pliers. The library is also accepting donations for supplies and if there are any specific supplies you might want or need you can email Emily Wilt, the head librarian, for more information.
Another new addition to the media center is that students now have the opportunity to reserve conference rooms for meetings and projects. Right now the process for booking a conference room is first-come first-serve basis but next year the librarians are planning to have a google form so students can book a conference room more efficiently.
As previously mentioned, the media center still has all kinds of fun opportunities for students. The reading retreat has been proven to be really popular in the past and all the money received from the retreat goes towards various charities. The last reading retreat raised 245 dollars and had over 100 students participate.
“From my perspective, the best thing about the retreat was that students checked out books and wanted to leave with that book that they were reading which was really awesome”, describes Wilt.
The media center would also want students to know that they are continuing to sell coffee, tea and hot chocolate in the mornings before school starts which helps the library buy food for the reading retreat and other fun and exciting activities the media center hosts.
One of the things that the media center also offers to help out students and staff is their canvas page. The LMC canvas page is filled with research tips and teacher resources. They also have ebooks and digital magazines there as well.
The media center plans to offer even more fun activities that are beneficial to students so be sure to keep and eye out next year. Be sure to check out the library to see all the hard work that has been put into the media center to make it the best working environment for our students. If you have any questions or concerns you can email Mrs. Wilt at