Spring Flowers and Teenage Dramas

CHS begins preparation for spring play

Sarah Sahli, Features Editor, Sandscript Author

The CHS spring play is in motion. Auditions were held on March 9 and the casting was determined shortly after on March 11. This year’s play is called The Election by Don Zolidis. The production is a two-act comedy of a student body election that indirectly mocks any inconsistencies or flaws practiced by the government and relates to politics in general.  

“It makes a lot of digs at the political circus that we have all become so used to seeing,” play director Dakota McCoy explains. 

McCoy initially planned to initiate The Election in 2020, however, at the time Covid was too large of an obstacle to concern. In 2020 the play was most relevant because of the presidential election that was taking place. 

“The play was meant to be very timely and funny because of the 2020 election, but Covid made it impossible to do,” McCoy adds. 

The cast will rehearse consistently between now and the production, usually in the Auditorium and the Large Group Instruction Room (B549). Opening night will begin on May 5 at 7:00 pm and continue showing through May 8. At an undetermined date, closer to opening night, tickets will be sold to anyone interested. For more information don’t hesitate to contact McCoy at damccoy@duneland.k12.in.us