8th Grade Reality Check
April 26, 2022
This Friday, CMS students will be participating in a long standing tradition in Duneland. The Reality Check (formerly known as Reality Store) is an exciting event at Chesterton Middle School (CMS). In this event, the students at CMS are given a look into adulthood, to help better prepare for their futures. 8th graders gather for an intense learning activity designed to illustrate how performance in school will affect their quality of life as adults. Some of these activities include completing and understanding different forms of taxes, learning about banking, and much more. Reality Check will take place this Friday, April 29.
At the event, students are given a predetermined salary that they would earn in their chosen profession at age 28. During 8th grade Reality Check, they visit tables where they pay such expenses as taxes, housing, and childcare. Some do end up in bankruptcy, while others may have a little money left over at the end. The students that have remaining funds can “spend” their money on imaginary rewards such as investments, trips, concerts, motorcycles, and so on. Reality Check will be an eye opening event for the 8th graders at CMS, giving them an idea of how difficult an adult life can be.
Reality check is organized by the Duneland Chamber of Commerce and the Duneland School Corporation. 120 business and community leaders are needed to make Reality Check a success. Shift availability for these jobs will be from 7:30 AM to 11:45 AM in the morning, and from 11:30 AM to 2:45 PM in the afternoon. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for all volunteers. To volunteer for help, contact the organizer of Reality Check, Michelle Hunsley, at 219-926-5513, or by email at michelle@dunelandchamber.org.