Rick and Morty is an animated television series about the Back to the Future-inspired adventures of a teenage boy named Morty Smith and his genius grandfather, Rick Sanchez. The show has gained popularity amongst teenagers and adults due to its vulgarity and willingness to discuss serious topics such as death, discrimination, and politics. Rick and Morty has thrived on Adult Swim for five seasons and a new season was recently released on September 4. Some fans may need a refresher on what happened in the fifth season.
The fifth season left fans on a cliffhanger of what was to come next from Evil Morty after he destroyed the Citadel and broke the Central Finite Curve. This is where Ricks are the most intelligent beings in their universe. The last few seconds of the episode are the most significant part, as Evil Morty’s yellow portal signifies his freedom from the rule of Ricks. Fans also learned more about Rick’s tragic backstory and what inspired him to build the portal gun.
Season six may differ from the other seasons because it will likely dive deeper into lore rather than miscellaneous, short adventures. Some fans may want to wait for the whole season to release if they wish to binge the whole season. It may take even longer for season 6 to appear on streaming platforms such as Hulu or HBO Max due to the companies needing to obtain a license for the content. Be sure to keep up with the live airings every Sunday night if you crave the latest Rick and Morty content.