Are you interested in becoming a tutor? Well, this is your lucky chance to become one! Tutoring Trojans is a way for students to get one on one help from their peers to be more successful in their academic ventures. Tutoring Trojans meet every Tuesday at 3-4 pm in person and online Monday through Friday. In order to sign up, students will have to make an appointment through their Canvas page. This is located on the courses page and all the student has to do is click the class course called CHS Tutoring Trojans to make an appointment.
Some necessary skills for becoming a tutor are having a big knowledge of multiple subject areas to help students in whatever class they need help in, as well as a desire to help other students or your peers to succeed. If becoming a tutor sounds interesting to you, contact Mrs. Snyder or Mr. Moore to be an online tutor or contact Ms. Roberts if you want to tutor in person.