On February 27, 2023, an ISSMA competition of musical expertise for student jazz groups was held at the Portage High School. The competition consisted of many jazz groups from all over the state performing in front of a judge. After they play, the groups would get a rating and a score based off of their performance. Additionally, the group’s score would determine what type of medal they receive. The possibilities are bronze, silver, or gold.
This year around, Chesterton High School’s Jazz Ensemble won a gold medal, and a rating of “gold with distinction”. This means that they got a perfect score, with no mistakes whatsoever. This is the first time in Jazz Ensemble history at CHS that this happened. Additionally, there were two soloists, which was Senior Adrian Dooley, and Sophomore Kooper Sutherland. The soloists received ribbons for they’re bravery. The Jazz Band group also went to the competition. They also won gold. While the score was not with distinction, this is still a very impressive accolade for Jazz Band. The CHS women’s dance team went to perform as well, earning a perfect score and earning gold.
It seems that all three Jazz groups from Chesterton high school knocked it out of the park, and they have earned their gold ratings. Everyone looks forward to their next performances, and are sure they will impress once again.