Big news for the students at Chesterton High School, as they have placed first in the prestigious Academic Super Bowl. The ASB is a competition from the Indiana Association of School Principals and the Department of Student Programs. It is a competition in which students study and perform different school subjects. This year, each night included more than 200 students, coaches, and spectators alike. The theme was “Latin America”, and the subjects were English, science, fine arts, social studies, math, and interdisciplinary. With the CHS results, they won third place in social studies, first place in math, second place in science, and first place in interdisciplinary.
The Academic Super Bowl consisted of nine different Porter County Schools. While CHS won first place overall, it was a very close finish, as Valparaiso High School was one point behind them, and Kouts High School was two points behind them. More than anything though, the students of CHS are very proud of what they have accomplished. We look forward to the next school competition and are sure to impress once again.