A New student-led sci-fi club is starting up in two weeks! Students Brock Stephan and Alex Drewes have decided to start a science fiction club for students who are big fans of the genre. During the club, students will be watching movies and then discussing their scientific accuracy. It’s a great club for any sci-fi fans as well as anyone interested in science! The club will provide popcorn for all members attending. At the first meeting, the club will be watching the movie Interstellar, a dystopian space movie following a group of astronauts. The club will meet once a month in C560 and start at 5 PM. The meetings are estimated to run for two to three hours.
“It’s supposed to be real casual, just a chance for sci-fi fans to get together and enjoy it,” CHS science teacher, Mr. Brian Hennigar, said.
If you like sci-fi, movies, or just hanging out with friends this club will be perfect for you!