The “Trolls” movie series has captivated the hearts of children everywhere. It has colorful and fun animation, music, and loveable characters. This series began in 2016, when the first Trolls movie was released. This franchise was so popular, there were toys made, kids had Trolls-themed birthday parties, and much more. Trolls was about a loveable and optimistic character known as Poppy. This character was and still is very popular among children. Poppy is friends with the grumpy and sad character Branch. These two Trolls embark on a journey to save their friends from the Bergens, which are the villains in the story, and they eat trolls and believe it will bring them happiness.
In the second Trolls movie, which is called “Trolls World Tour,” Poppy and Branch discover that there are more trolls that are different from them. These tribes of Trolls all represent different genres of music. Poppy and Branch must unite all of the trolls in order to save their colorful world from threats that could change their life.
These movies have always made me laugh and were very heartwarming to me growing up, as well as many kids around the world. So, when I discovered that there was a third Trolls movie being released, I knew I had to go see it. The movie began with a flashback of Branch. He was young, and his brothers and him were in a band known as “Bro Zone,” and it showed the tragic separation of the brothers after a bad show.
The scene then ends and goes into present time. Branch and Poppy are together, and they are about to attend the wedding of “Bridget” and “King Gristle Jr.,” as the Bergens are now friends of the trolls. The wedding begins and a mysterious, yet familiar troll disturbs it. Already throughout the beginning of the movie, there was already music, dancing, and fun. I really love this movie for the constant entertaining scenes, color, and comedy. This troll turned out to be Branch’s brother, who goes on to tell Branch that his brother Floyd is in trouble and all of the brothers need to reunite to save him from the villains. Velvet and Veneer who are holding him captive in a diamond prison which can only be broken by the harmony of all of the brothers.
Reluctantly, Branch, and Poppy embark on this journey with his brother, and all of the brothers reunite with each other. I enjoyed all of the heartfelt reuniting moments of all of the brothers. After all of the brothers reunite with each other, Poppy discovers that she has a long-lost sister, and they reunite as well. As this movie slowly builds up to the climax, the brothers, and Poppy all go on the journey to Mount Rageous, where Velvet and Veneer are holding Floyd captive. Velvet and Veneer are humanoid giants who are using the troll’s singing ability to make themselves famous. Unfortunately, Floyd’s power being used by them slowly kills him.
It captivated me into wanting to know what was going to happen next and enjoying all of the music. The music really played a part in the entertainment of this movie. This movie consisted of remixes of songs, as well as good vocals. I enjoyed Branch’s songs specifically as he was voiced by Justin Timberlake, a very famous singer. The comedy in this movie was very prominent and enjoyable too. Kids in my theater were laughing throughout the movie and it took me back to the very first movie and was a very heartwarming feeling overall.
Before the group makes it to Mount Rageous, the group gets into a fight and Branch and Poppy split up from the other brothers. When Branch makes it to his imprisoned brother, his brother tells him he must leave. Velvet and Veneer then enter the room to reveal that they have captured the rest of the brothers. Velvet and Veneer then go in front of all of their fans and Branch calls them out for being frauds. The climax then goes into a car chase scene, where Velvet and Veneer are performing on the road, while the trolls try to save their loved ones. This scene was overall very intense and very enjoyable as the music, and the animation combined were very interesting to see.
Velvet and Veneer’s microphone gets turned off and Branch starts to sing. Slowly, he and his brothers start to harmonize, and the diamond prisons start to break.
After all of the trolls are free, and they all reunite once again, Velvet and Veneer go to jail for being frauds, and for kidnapping trolls. At the end of this movie, Branch, with his band, performs for all of the trolls, and everyone joins in for a heartfelt, happy song, and ends with it.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, and If parents are wondering if they should take their kids to go see it, I highly recommend it, and think it is a very enjoyable experience and movie to watch.