Every year, the Duneland Kiwanis hosts a Trash to Treasure sale, where locals can donate old items and help someone find their next treasure. This event takes place at the Duneland Family YMCA on Roosevelt Street for a total of two days. The sale ended up taking place on Friday, May 3 as well as Saturday, May 4.
The main focus of the Kiwanis is to serve children within the community and put all the money they make towards a vast amount of programs that require funding to stay running.
“We go into this with the Y[MCA], so they let us use their facility, and then we split the profits with the Y[MCA] and the Kiwanis Club. Both of us are doing everything that we can to service children in our community. We are nonprofits and put the money toward all the funding for programs that we give donations to for children,” Supervisor Karen Kenney said.
These donations that are made go to various programs, such as the Boys and Girls Club, Toys for Tots, Westchester Food Pantry, Dunes Learning Center, and the Bring Up Grades (BUG) Program.
The Trash to Treasure ends up bringing in a solid amount of money for the organization, as many townspeople find it to be a good cause and an excellent way to find old gems. The Trash to Treasure opened at 8:00 a.m. this year and there were people lined up at the doors by 7:30 a.m., waiting for the event to begin. The event gets a lot of action every year, selling more than half of the donations that they end up getting. Every year, the sale gets larger, with donations ranging from major furniture, lamps, bedding, houseware, kitchen items, sporting goods, and electronic items. This year, an electric guitar was for sale for a pretty good price.
Check out the Chesterton Duneland Kiwanis Facebook page for more information about this event and many others. They are always looking for new members to join their nonprofit organization.