Sandpipers, Drifters Perform at Pike Showcase

CHS Show Choirs dance with pride at the Feb. 12 Pike Showcase

Grae Stockhausen, News Section Editor

Over the weekend, the Sandpipers and Drifters performed at their second competition at Pike Highschool in Indianapolis. Both show choirs received good scores which allowed the Drifters to place 5th out of the six unisex choirs and the Sandpipers got 4th place out of six mixed choirs, which allowed the Pipers to go to Mixed Finals. The Drifters performed first but weren’t able to make it to the finals. 

The Drifters and The Business were 4th Runner-up in the Unisex Division and were named Best Stage Crew. Freshman Jodie Geenan was the Outstanding Performer for the Drifters. The Sandpipers and The Business were 3rd Runner-up for the Mixed Division with Outstanding Performer as Emily Mayersky. Senior Lauren Bolla was named the Solo Competition Grand Champion. 

“Winning the solo competition again was pretty surreal. I have wanted to perform this song for some time. I never expected to win, but I’m so grateful and very proud to represent Chesterton! I didn’t expect to win once, so winning twice was pretty surreal to me. I’m so excited that I get the opportunity to perform this song in competition,” Bolla commented.

Solo Competition isn’t included in the actual performance of the entire show choir, it is made to showcase students’ singing abilities. The Grand Champ and 1st Runner-up for the Solo Competition got a full-ride scholarship to SCA, or the Show Choir Camps of America.

“I’m definitely going to go, I’ve never been to SCA before and it’ll be a fun experience before I go to college,” Bolla says. 

Chesterton Show Choirs will continue to have competitions until March 12th, when they will have their last competition at Millard North High School in Nebraska.