Things to do in spring

Nathan Montoya, Sandscript Author

With spring now upon us, and the weather finally starting to warm up again, there are many new things to do now. With the temperature lifting, also comes positive moods and the desire to get a move on with the year.

To start with something simple, spring cleaning is also something that probably, if not definitely needs to be done. Not only will this give one a cleaner home environment, but it will also help folks feel more productive, and overall improve the atmosphere in the house. To continue, going on bike rides or walks is another option, as this can be beneficial to your health, being a form of exercise. To add, it can also be very enjoyable in general with the warmer weather. Even if it’s just a short walk, going outside not only allows for fresh air but helps get the blood moving in your body

Doing social things with your friends, like going downtown can be very memorable, especially if it’s the first “real” hangout of the year. Having a bonfire, and telling stories while eating hotdogs or s’mores can easily be a favorite memory of the year. Going to the dunes and hiking can also be a good way to get a group exercise in, as well as getting a beautiful view to snap some pictures real quick. Going to places like Zao Island and sports games can also be another good way to get prepared for summer coming up very shortly. 

Going to eat somewhere like George’s Gyros or The Port are great options, as they are Chesterton specific and known for their addicting food! The Port is nice especially because The Port only opens up when it’s warm, so there is only so much time to enjoy this option! Eating hot dogs, or burgers with some fries while washing it down with a root beer, can help students take a much-needed break from the stress of the end of the school year.

Overall, this upcoming weather permits plenty of outdoor activities to do with friends, family, or even alone. This is also a good time to reconnect with some of your friends and family, start going outside more, and even start working out if you haven’t.