Bloomsday Prepping: a Survival Guide to Spring

Prepare for spring early so you’ll be ready for anything

Rylan Fields, Sandscript Author

Spring is the season of opportunities. Everything is growing back to its original form and all sorts of animals are emerging from hibernation. Spring is full of life, but being busy doesn’t allow us to appreciate its beauty. So to maximize the joy that spring has to offer, prepare your season beforehand so you don’t have to do every task last minute.

Start a Garden

Preparing your garden beforehand can cut through a lot of the hassle that comes with the pests that arrive when the weather warms up. Plus, a lot of garden vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, and onions do much better when they’re planted in late February or early March. An added bonus is that you may be able to harvest your garden early.

Start Spring Cleaning Early

Getting a start on spring cleaning could help make room for creative inspiration. Get rid of the caked-on dust that was lingering on your ceiling fan for the whole winter, clean out your closet and donate those old clothes that don’t fit, clean out your gutters to prepare for April showers, and maybe even give power washing the driveway a try. Getting rid of some of the more time-consuming tasks now allows for more leisure time when the warm weather rolls in.

Give Those New Year’s Resolutions Another Shot

Now that the weather is warming up and all sorts of new fruits and vegetables are in season, eating healthy and exercising is a much more achievable goal than it was in the winter. If your resolutions are to be more creative, nature is the perfect vessel to take inspiration from. Even focusing on your mental health is easier. Seasonal depression is very commonly overlooked and the burst of life that spring provides can be a push in the right direction for some.

Give Your Room a Makeover

Turn your hibernation cave into a safe space that inspires and energizes you. Repaint those walls, add in some fake or live plants, buy a new rug, and maybe even swap out your bed sheets for something more in style. Changing your environment to suit yourself can add another sense of newness to spring.

Spring is commonly overlooked because of how busy people are, but it’s much more enjoyable when the time is taken to appreciate the smaller details. If you have any free time this spring, be sure to go outside and appreciate all of the small details that nature has to offer.