The Chesterton High School Deutsch Klub held a gingerbread house making competition on Friday the 15th in the world center. Students built various ‘gingerbread’ structures out of graham crackers and then decorated them with various candies.
Deutsch Klub is a program designed to increase German cultural awareness and language skills.
“German club is a club here at CHS that is dedicated to doing activities related to German culture, we do a lot of fun stuff such as field trips to the Kriskindlemart and our Oktoberfest party,” said Herr Martinson, one of CHS’s German teachers.
Students are also quite enthusiastic about learning about Germany and German culture.
“I chose German because my family is from Germany and Europe and I wanted to take a foreign language. I think that German is the best language at our school.” Peytan Belegal, freshman
Gingerbread houses originally started out as a lebkuchen (spiced cookies with honey)modeled after the house from the original Grimm brother’s fairy tale Hansel and Gretel in 1812. This holiday tradition made it to the US in the mid nineteenth century, when large amounts of German immigrants started to arrive in the US. Now, Gingerbread Houses are enjoyed all over the world. 6