Lyme’s Disease Month

Gabrielle Rose, Sandscript Author

Having an adventurous spirit this summer is a must around Northwest Indiana, but make certain to protect yourself. Lyme’s disease is a bacterial infection you get from a bite of an infected deer tick. A tick is a parasite, and it lives off of eating the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles. Some ticks can carry harmful germs that cause diseases such as Lyme’s Disease.

Ticks are usually located in grass, bushes, and shrubs. When a person or animal brushes against these habitations, a tick might hitch a ride without the person or mammal realizing. Lyme’s Disease Month gives patients and activists an opportunity to educate and spread information about how to prevent this disease. Most cases of Lyme’s disease usually take place between the months of May and August. These cases correspond to the peaking activity period for nymphs, an immature tick. 

If a person were to find a tick on them, never crush the tick. It’s head  could get stuck in the skin and cause infections. Use a clean pair of tweezers  to grasp the tick as closely as possible. Pull upward with even pressure. After removing the tick, clean the bite with soap and water, or rubbing alcohol.

Common symptoms of Lyme’s Disease include a rash, fever, headaches, fatigue, neck pain, joint or jaw discomfort, vision problems, memory loss, and even fainting. Make sure to consult your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. 

 This summer, covering up exposed skin, using insect repellant, and also periodically checking for ticks can help you enjoy any outdoor activities that you take part in. By educating yourself about Lyme’s disease, you can eliminate the problem before it even happens.