Chesterton High School’s counseling office is hosting an opportunity for the parents and guardians of freshmen students to get insight into their student’s future at the school. CHS counselors will offer in-depth information about graduation and diploma requirements so that students can look ahead to their future years. This will give these students and parents a better idea of what to expect when scheduling their classes for their high school years. Counselors will also explain dual enrollment classes through Ivy Tech College and how those work as the student leaves high school. The counselors will also go over the different graduation pathways offered at CHS and even more!
This meeting will be held on January 30 in the CHS cafeteria at 6 p.m. If you are unable to attend the meeting or would like to review the information with your student the slides will be posted on the CHS counseling website linked here. There is no R.S.V.P. needed. CHS counseling cannot wait to see you there!